Though tendonitis is common, there’s no single, gold-standard Western medical treatment for this condition. Many doctors suggest pain relieving medicines, steroid injections, or even surgery, which may be less than ideal for some. For those patients seeking a holistic and less invasive alternative, Acupuncture is the treatment of choice for both acute and chronic tendonitis.
Acupuncture is extremely effective in treating tendonitis because it helps to reduce inflammation of the tendon, speed up recovery time, and improve range of motion. Acupuncture utilizes sterile single-use fine needles to facilitate blood flow and fibroblastic activity within the tendon structure where blood flow is generally limited. Tendons are pieces of connective tissues between muscle and bone, hence, by invigorating blood flow into the localized area, this brings pain relief as well as promoting the healing process.
3 Common Types of Tendonitis:
1. Golfer's Elbow
This is also known as medial epicondylitis caused by repetitive stress due to a specific motion ( whether it is sports, a career, or daily life ) which causes pain, tenderness, weakness, and stiffness felt on the inner side of your elbow. Sometimes the pain extends along the inner side of the forearm and wrist. Also common is sensation of pins and needles or tingling fingers.
2. Tennis elbow
This is also known as lateral epicondylitis where the pain and discomfort is found on the outer side of your elbow. As stated above, it is an overuse injury that causes an inflammation of the tendon fibers that attach the forearm muscles to the outside of the elbow.
3. Achilles tendonitis
This is an injury common to runners and middle-aged folks who play sports only on weekends. The pain is found on the Achilles tendon which connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. One of the telltale signs of Achilles tendonitis is pain along the back of the tendon, usually close to the heel. Even though most cases of Achilles tendonitis improve over time with preventative lifestyle changes and limitations of activities, Acupuncture is proven as a valuable treatment solution.
Frequently Asked Questions
In acute cases, pain relief can be felt instantly. Typically, 2-4 sessions will take care of the problem.
For chronic pain, it may require 2 to 3 treatments to notice pain subside. For chronic tendonitis, I recommend weekly session until a satisfactory level of pain management has been achieved. For those patients who are active golfers and tennis players, I recommend regular maintenance Acupuncture sessions to prevent flare-ups.
The short answer is absolutely. Managing pain with the use of natural medicine makes so much more sense than other options such as drugs and surgery.
With your outdoor summer fun-filled activities fast approaching, don’t let aches and pains in your body prevent you from swimming in the lake, tee time on the golf course, hitting balls on the court, or going for a brisk morning jog.
Try Acupuncture for Tendonitis Today!
Book your appointment now to guarantee your summer will be a smash hit!!!
Address: 295 Miller Ave, Suite C, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: (415) 383-9900
San Francisco, Kentfield, Ross, San Anselmo, Corte Madera, Larkspur, Greenbrae, Tiburon, Sausalito, San Rafael